'We would like to thank you very much for the efforts that you made in helping us. You dealt with us with all respect and you were with us, step by step, to guide us through our settlement journey.' --Alaa Kiki, Newcomer Services client

Settlement Services

Moving to a new country can be overwhelming.
To make things a little easier, JFS offers our multi-lingual Newcomer Services to all newcomers, no matter your cultural, ethnic and linguistic backgrounds. From how to prepare your first Canadian tax return to citizenship test prep to supporting your mental well-being, we want to help make the Ottawa area home for all.

A full calendar of workshops is online!  Click HERE for the full calendar.


Do you have a question for our team?  Click here:


We are pleased to be able to serve our clients in many languages. To find a settlement counsellor to assist you, select the language that you would like to be served in:

Russian and Ukrainian
Alla Mazor (Russian only)
613-722-2225 ext. 310
Olha Men (Ukrainian and Russian)
Liudmyla Neverytska (Ukrainian and Russian)
French and Somali
Fathia Warsama
Dari, Farsi, Urdu and German
Nilofar Fattahi
Donia Jomaa
Basma Al-Taie
613-722-2225 x426
Liza Maarouf
613-722-2225 ext. 505
Wenjean Ho
Emily Xia

Programs and Events


    This workshop is being presented by Desjardins, a proud sponsor of JFS Ottawa and will be given in Ukrainian.

    More information is available in English HERE.

    More information is available in Ukrainian HERE.



    Priority will be given to permanent residents, girls only aged 13-19 years.  

    More information is available HERE.



    Priority will be given to permanent residents.  Presented by Desjardins.

    More information is available HERE.


    LEARN THROUGH PLAY–a great opportunity for your child(ren) to learn and meet others from the community. 

    This is a home-visit based, after-school program.  Call us to talk about the best days/times for you and your child(ren).  You can select one day per week for your session.

    More information is available HERE.

    Contact Liza Maarouf, (613) 867-3361, lmaarouf@jfsottawa.com for more information.


    PASS THE CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP EXAM–FREE ONLINE workshops to help newcomers prepare for the test.  Click HERE for the workshop flyer.

    Contact Fathia Warsama, (613) 301-4073, fwarsama@jfsottawa.com for more information.


    Mental Health Workshops for front-line workers

    This series of workshops is for settlement workers, caseworkers, medical staff, social workers, teachers, sponsors, volunteers and others.  Click HERE for more information about the series. 

    Individual workshops include:

    • Immigrant Mental Health–Click HERE for more information about this workshop.
    • Understanding and Dealing with Racism and Oppression–Click HERE for more information about this workshop.
    • Self-Care: Practical Strategies for Front-line Workers–Click HERE for more information about this workshop.

    Workshops may be held in-person or remotely.  They may also be customized for a specific group based on your needs and availability.

    For more information contact Lamia Al-Ansari at 613-301-4837 or by email at llalansari@jfsottawa.com.  



    Need a hand to prepare your tax return?
    Volunteers can help you prepare your income tax and benefit return if you have modest income and a simple tax situation.  This service is available to Permanent Residents ONLY.

    Click HERE for the tax clinic flyer.