Diverse Seniors Support

'My involvement in the group has helped me to deal with my loneliness and has given me something to look forward to in life. Recently, my doctor commented that I was doing better than she expected and that was mainly due to participating in the diverse seniors support programs run by JFS.' --Diverse Seniors client

Supporting Ethnocultural Seniors

Our Diverse Seniors team provides culturally and linguistically appropriate supports for vulnerable immigrant seniors in racialized communities throughout the Ottawa region. The services offered as part of this program ensure diverse seniors receive quality supports that are sensitive to their language use and cultural orientation, and meet a broad range of their daily and long term needs.


Contact Information

For more information on Diverse Seniors Support Services, please contact Esperance Umutesi, Manager at 613-722-2225 ext. 328.


South East Ottawa Community Health Centre

3320 Paul Anka Dr.

Ottawa, ON K1V 0J9

Cell : 613 415 4765

Email : malsulaiman@jfsottawa.com

Calendar of events click HERE

Jessica Lin   林 平

Somerset West Community Health Centre


地址:55 Eccles Street,
Ottawa, ON K1R 6S3

电话 cell: 343-999-3512

Email: jlin@jfsottawa.com

Safia Nawaz

Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization

959 Wellington Street West

Ottawa, On K1Y 2X5 

613-725-5671 ext. 32, Cell:  343-997-5851

Calendar of events click HERE

Rosine Nabitanga

Economic and Social Council of Ottawa- Carleton

815 St-Laurent Blvd., Suite 107

Ottawa, ON  K1K 3A7

613-248-1343 ext:  332, Cell: 613 415 5205

Calendar of events click HERE.

Kindi Chana

613-722-2225 ext. 497

Ifrah Mahamoud (Cell: 613-415-4935 Email: imahamoud@jfsottawa.com)

Kaltoun Mussa (Cell:  343-997-3766)

Somali Centre for Family Services

1719 Bank St.

Ottawa, ON K1V 7Z4

613-526-2075 ext. 229

Click HERE for a listing of general services and resources available for seniors in the community.


South East Ottawa Community Health Centre

3320 Paul Anka Dr.

Ottawa, ON K1V 0J9

Cell : 613 415 4765

Email : malsulaiman@jfsottawa.com

Calendar of events click HERE

中文服务(普通话 / 广东话)

Jessica Lin   林 平

Somerset West Community Health Centre


地址:55 Eccles Street,
Ottawa, ON K1R 6S3

电话 cell: 343-999-3512

Email: jlin@jfsottawa.com

English | اردو | हिन्दी | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ

Safia Nawaz

Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization

959 Wellington Street West

Ottawa, On K1Y 2X5 

613-725-5671 ext. 32, Cell:  343-997-5851

Calendar of events click HERE

Français | Kinyarwanda | Kirundi | Kreyòl

Rosine Nabitanga

Economic and Social Council of Ottawa- Carleton

815 St-Laurent Blvd., Suite 107

Ottawa, ON  K1K 3A7

613-248-1343 ext:  332, Cell: 613 415 5205

Calendar of events click HERE.


Kindi Chana

613-722-2225 ext. 497


Ifrah Mahamoud (Cell: 613-415-4935 Email: imahamoud@jfsottawa.com)

Kaltoun Mussa (Cell:  343-997-3766)

Somali Centre for Family Services

1719 Bank St.

Ottawa, ON K1V 7Z4

613-526-2075 ext. 229


Click HERE for a listing of general services and resources available for seniors in the community.