
'Underlying all of the painful realities, is the beautiful reality that we are all family, we are all connected and we are all responsible for the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical well-being of on another.' --Matt Segal, StreetSmarts volunteer

StreetSmarts Outreach Program

StreetSmarts is a street-based outreach program that offers resources, referrals, and basic supplies to Ottawa’s downtown homeless population. As a consumer-led outreach program, our volunteers have lived experience, understand the effects of street culture, and are able to engage with those they are offering assistance to.

Staff is out every day, with the larger volunteer-based outreach team joining every evening from 6-9pm.  They carry seasonal clothing, granola bars, and toiletries.

The StreetSmarts facebook page is here.

For more information, please email or call our direct line at 613-979-3387.

Pete Cassidy

StreetSmarts started when Pete Cassidy walked into our offices just one year clean from an addiction and living in a recovery house.  In 2001 and with support from JFS Ottawa, he founded StreetSmarts.  He was the heart and soul of the program for 15 years, and his spirit continues to live on through the tireless work of Chris and the entire StreetSmarts team.