Friendly Visiting – Thelma Steinman Seniors Support Services

June 18, 2018
Friendly Visiting – Thelma Steinman Seniors Support Services

Taking an aging parent out for lunch or coffee this month? Why not include an isolated senior and turn it into a special mitzvah?

At any given time, the Thelma Steinman Seniors Support Services unit has at least a dozen clients praying for a friendly face to break up the loneliness and monotony of living alone. With no family support, friends long gone, and the ability to just get up and go fading fast from recent memory, many of our seniors are desperate for companionship. A new friendship is often all it takes to make life worth living with gusto again, reason to get up in the morning and walk with a spring in your step. They don’t need much: just an hour or two of your time, regaling you with stories that might just inspire, sharing a heartfelt gratitude that will leave you glowing.

Already going bowling once a week? Belong to a club? Hanging out at the beach during summer break? Getting together with friends to play cards? Consider bringing a new friend with you to try it out… Both of your lives will be changed forever!

To become a Friendly Visitor, please call JFS at 613.722.2225, ext.315.

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